Featured Plenary Speakers

Our time is now: ∆ΨRT (changing psychiatric residency training)

Faculty recruitment, regulatory burdens, inequity, and upcoming residency training changes are just a few challenges we as the AADPRT community face! At times, it appears the challenges are insurmountable, but then we come to our Annual Meeting and realize that we are not alone and that we have access to the vast expertise and large community of supportive colleagues.

Keynote Speaker

Bringing Improvisation to Life: Experiences to address loneliness, facilitate resilience, and enhance our everyday experience

katzman.jpgJeffrey Katzman, MD is professor emeritus at University of New Mexico. His lifelong work has been to help patients overcome the isolation that informs so many modern lives. He studied human relationships through the Human Biology program at Stanford University as an undergraduate, and went on to medical school at UC San Diego before completing psychiatry residency training at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute.

  • Professor Emeritus, University of New Mexico
  • Director of Education, Adjunct Professor, Silver Hill Hospital, Yale Department of Psychiatry
  • Served as Chief of Psychiatry and Director of the Behavioral Health Care line, New Mexico VA Healthcare System, Vice Chair for Education and Vice Chair of Clinical Services for the Department of Psychiatry, University of New Mexico
  • 30-year background in improvisational theater
  • Author of three books including his novel The Storymaker, a semi-finalist for Amazon's Breakthrough Novel competition
  • Extensive study of contemporary psychodynamic theory with certifications in the Adult Attachment Interview, the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis Psychotherapy program, Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Mentalization Based Therapy, and Family Systems through the Post-Graduate training program at the Bowen Center for Study of the Family
  • Held leadership positions in the American Academy of Dynamic Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (AADPP)

Abstract   Bio

                Joint Abstract                   Abstract         Abstract      Abstract

           Bio                    Bio                       Bio                        Bio                    Bio

Meeting Guide Video  Watch this short video for what to know (and do) before you go.




Virtual Recruitment Fairs

AADPRT will once again host virtual recruitment fairs to connect medical students with psychiatric residency training programs.

More info