Dr. Iverson Bell, Jr. Faculty Fellowship Award

Award Summary and Description

The Dr. Iverson Bell, Jr. Faculty Fellowship Award promotes the professional growth of outstanding Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) psychiatrists, creates a pipeline for involvement within AADPRT, and provides recognition of the awardee’s potential to contribute to the field of psychiatry.

inaugural Winner's project

There is a need for mentorship, support and recognition of URiM faculty, especially junior and mid-career faculty, to not only lift them up, but to hear their voices and acknowledge their contributions.  AADPRT will benefit from supporting a diverse group of members to engage in the organization and increase pathways to leadership. 

This fellowship award is named for Dr. Iverson Bell, Jr., an esteemed teacher, community and private practice psychiatrist, and leader in using technology to extend psychiatry’s reach.  Dr. Bell taught psychiatry and was training director at Morehouse School of Medicine before becoming the training director for psychiatry at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC). He continues to devote his time to teaching at UTHSC as an associate training director in psychiatry.

Dr. Bell began using teleconferencing to teach and practice psychiatry in 1984. In 1999, Dr. Bell began using telepsychiatry for counseling at the college level and later developed a statewide telepsychiatry treatment and emergency network at the University of Tennessee for students and residents. Dr. Bell extended his reach with the technology further, using teleconferencing to teach healthcare professionals in Ethiopia.   

Dr. Bell completed his undergraduate degree at Morehouse College and received his medical degree from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He completed psychiatry training at the University of Illinois, Chicago, and child psychiatry training at Emory University. He is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a member of the Black Psychiatrists of America, the American Telemedicine Association, and the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training.

Dr. Bell is one of approximately 60 Black training directors out of more than 500 child and adult psychiatry residency training directors.  He is also one of the 1,000 Black psychiatrists out of 56,000 psychiatrists in the US.

The Bell Fellowship requires a proposal for an education innovation project (e.g., didactic curriculum/course/session, clinical experience/rotation, resident/faculty development, mentorship, career development, equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging, etc.). The selection process will evaluate the proposed project based on background and gap analysis, goals, approach/methodology, evaluation/outcomes, and dissemination plan. Awardees will be provided a $500 honorarium as well as coverage of travel and registration expenses for one AADPRT Annual Meeting. Additionally, they will be assigned an AADPRT mentor with whom they will work throughout the year on their project and be encouraged to submit their work as a poster or workshop at the subsequent AADPRT Annual Meeting.  The awardee will also be invited to join and participate in the AADPRT J.E.D.I. (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) Committee.

Nomination Guidelines

Winning institutions are not eligible to submit nominees for a two-year period (e.g. submitted in 2023 (won in 2024) is eligible to submit again in 2026).​​​​​​

The candidate must be:

  • Junior or mid-career faculty (instructor, assistant or associate professor rank) within an academic institution or equivalent status in a community-based medical system who are, or who identify as, URiM according to AAMC criteria.

The institution:

  • May submit only one (1) nomination per eligible year.
  • Program directors and institutions of nominated faculty must be members in good standing with AADPRT (i.e., current institution and individual membership dues must be paid).

Institutions whose nominees have received the Bell Fellowship are ineligible to nominate candidates for the next two (2) nomination cycles (e.g., if submitted in fall of 2023 (won in 2024), the institution may not submit another Bell application until fall of 2026).

Nomination Process

Committee Chair Theadia Carey offers mentorship to anyone wanting to go through the submission process. Email Theadia.

Nomination must include:

  1. Completed online form.  The online nomination system is open to Training Director Members only. 
  2. The following documents uploaded as one PDF.
         a) Nominating letter from training director. The letter should include:
                   1) Assessment of the faculty member’s excellence in patient care, potential as a leader,
                       excellence in teaching/education as well as information regarding suggested
                       resources for mentoring.
                  2) How this fellowship program can benefit the applicant.
                  3) Approval to attend the AADPRT Annual Meeting.
                  4) The program’s commitment to support the applicant in carrying out the proposed
                       education innovation project.
               (No more than 2 pages, single spaced, 12-point Arial font, 1-inch margins; references may
                be on a separate page.)
          b) Candidate’s Statement of Interest outlining their academic, teaching and leadership
               achievements, career aspirations, and how the fellowship program and the education
               project will promote their professional growth. (No more than 1 page, single spaced, 12-
               point Arial font, 1-inch margins).
          c) Education innovation project proposal that outlines:
                    1) Title
                    2) Background (including problem statement and local gap/needs analysis)
                    3) Goals (that are feasible and address the local gap/need)
                    4) Approach/Methodology (e.g., stakeholders, context/participants, 
                    5) Evaluation (including outcomes and measures)
                    6) Dissemination Plan (e.g., poster, workshop, journal article)
                    7) If project is new or in-progress
               (No more than 2 pages, single spaced, 12-point Arial font, 1-inch margins; references may
               be on a separate page)​
           d) Applicant's Curriculum Vitae

A confirmation email will be sent TO THE SUBMITTER ONLY (training director) when the complete electronic submission is received. If the training director does not receive confirmation within two business days, send an email to exec@aadprt.org. All requests for confirmation must be received before the deadline. Materials will not be accepted or considered after the deadline.

Selection Process

The Bell Fellowship Award Committee will select one awardee each year.

Applications (of eligible applicants) will be evaluated in the following areas:

  1. Excellence in patient care
  2. Potential as leader, advocate, and role model
  3. Excellence and interest in teaching/education
  4. Quality of the Statement of Interest
  5. Quality of the Education Innovation Project Proposal

As an educational organization, AADPRT gives preference to applicants with an interest in education.

Submissions accepted 8/1 - 9/17

Additional Information

Committee Membership
The Bell Fellowship Award Committee consists of seven AADPRT members representing various regions (including a rotating chair).

Rubric for Evaluating Applicants – each item: 5-point scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree).  Maximum score 50 (up to 30 for project proposal)

  • Patient Care
    The applicant has a strong record of excellence in patient care.
  • Leadership
    The applicant has very strong potential as leader.
  • Teaching
    The applicant has demonstrated excellence and innovation in teaching.
  • Statement of Interest:
    The applicant clearly outlines their academic, teaching and leadership achievements, career aspirations, and how the fellowship program will promote their professional growth.
  • Project Proposal (up to 30 points)
              1. The background has a clear problem definition and local gap/needs
              2. The goals are feasible and address the local gap/need.
              3. The approach specifies the context/participants, involves appropriate
                   stakeholders, and utilizes sound pedagogy and evidence-based
                   content in its proposed intervention.
              4. The evaluation plan defines relevant and feasible outcomes and
              5. The plan for dissemination is realistic and appropriate.
              6. Overall, the project proposal is outstanding.

Submit Nomination


annual meeting

Hotel room block open | Abstract, award, PA proposal selections announced 11/1

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