Award Detail

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George Ginsberg Fellowship Awards

Submission Deadline: September 17


This award is dedicated to the memory of a long-time active member of AADPRT, George L. Ginsberg who served in many leadership positions within the organization including as AADPRT's President in 1987-88. He was a senior editor of the Journal of Psychiatric Education and played an important role in transforming the journal into Academic Psychiatry where he served as a charter Editorial Board member. He was also a psychoanalyst and residency director for 12 years at NYU.  Dr. Ginsberg was a dedicated teacher, educational leader, role model and physician to trainees and faculty alike until his untimely passing at age 56.

The George Ginsberg Fellowship Award, funded by AADPRT, supports outstanding residents who are pursuing careers as clinician-educators and/or leaders in educational administration. Fellowships will be awarded to up-to-five outstanding applicants. The Ginsberg Fellowship Award requires a proposal for an educational innovation project (e.g., didactic curriculum/course/session, clinical experience/rotation, resident/faculty development, mentorship, career development, equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging, etc.). The selection process will evaluate the proposed project based on background and gap analysis, goals, approach/methodology, evaluation/outcomes, and dissemination plan. Awardees will be invited to attend the AADPRT Annual Meeting at AADPRT’s expense.  Awardees will be assigned an AADPRT mentor with whom they will work throughout the year on the project and be encouraged to submit their work as a poster or workshop at the subsequent Annual Meeting.


  • Increased familiarity with national psychiatry residency training issues.
  • Improved capacity to design, implement, evaluate, and present an innovative project in medical education.
  • Enhanced professional identity and career development plans as a medical educator.
  • Further development of educational leadership and teaching skills
  • Expanded professional networks in medical education


The candidate must:

  • Be in an approved residency or fellowship program
  • Be PGY 1, 2, 3, or CAP1 fellow/PGY 4 committed to a fellowship during which time the project can be completed.
  • Intend to pursue a career as a clinician educator and/or leader in educational administration

The institution:

May submit only one (1) nomination per eligible year (e.g. institutions may not submit a general residency nomination and a subspecialty nomination or multiple subspecialty nominations).


Institutions whose nominees have received the George Ginsberg Fellowship Award are ineligible to nominate candidates for the next two (2) nomination cycles (e.g. if submitted in fall of 2022 (won in 2023), the institution may not submit another Ginsberg application until fall of 2025).

Nomination must include:

  1. Completed online form (view sample form). The online nomination system is open to Training Director Members only.  Program directors and institutions of residents submitting nominations must be members in good standing with AADPRT (i.e., current institution and individual membership dues must be paid). Please upload all necessary documents as one PDF. A confirmation email will be sent TO THE SUBMITTER ONLY (training director) when the complete electronic submission is received. If the training director does not receive confirmation within two business days, send an email to All requests for confirmation must be received before the deadline. Materials will not be accepted or considered after the deadline.
  2. The following documents uploaded as one PDF:
    1. Nomination letter from training director. Letter should include an assessment of the resident’s excellence in patient care, potential as a leader and advocate, interest and excellence in education/teaching, and how this fellowship program can benefit the applicant. The letter should include approval to attend the AADPRT Annual Meeting and the program’s commitment to support the applicant in carrying out the proposed education innovation project. (No more than 2 pages, single spaced, 12-point Arial font, 1-inch margins.)
    2. Candidate’s Statement of Interest outlining their academic, teaching, and leadership achievements, career aspirations, and how the fellowship program and the education project will promote their professional growth. (No more than 1 page, single spaced, 12-point arial font, 1-inch margins).
    3. Education Innovation Project Proposal (No more than 2 pages, single-spaced, 12-point Arial font, 1-inch margins; references may be on a separate page) that outlines:
      1. Title
      2. Background (including problem statement and local gap/needs analysis)
      3. Goals (that are feasible and address the local gap/need)
      4. Approach/Methodology (e.g., stakeholders, context/participants, innovation/pedagogy/content)
      5. Evaluation (including outcomes and measures)
      6. Plan for dissemination (e.g., poster, workshop, journal article). The project can be new or in-progress.
    4. Candidate’s Curriculum Vitae

Selection Process

The George Ginsberg Fellowship Award Committee consists of at least seven (7) members representing various regions. The committee will select up to five fellows from the seven regions. The two regions with the fewest applicants will be combined with other regions to create five groups of comparable size from which to select the fellowship winners.

Applications will be evaluated in the following areas:

  1. Excellence in patient care
  2. Potential as a leader
  3. Excellence and interest in teaching/education
  4. Quality of the Statement of Interest
  5. Quality of the Education Innovation Project Proposal

As an educational organization, AADPRT gives preference to applicants with an interest in education.

Each item is 5-point likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neither disagree or agree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree)

Patient Care
The applicant has a strong record of excellence in patient care.

The applicant has very strong potential as leader, advocate, and role model

The applicant has demonstrated excellence in teaching

Statement of Interest
The applicant clearly outlines their academic, teaching and leadership achievements, career aspirations, and how the fellowship program will promote their professional growth.

Project Proposal (up to 30 points)

  1. The background has a clear problem definition and local gap/needs analysis.
  2. The goals are feasible and address the local gap/need.
  3. The approach specifies the context/participants, involves appropriate stakeholders, and utilizes sound pedagogy and evidence-based content in its proposed intervention.
  4. The evaluation plan defines relevant and feasible outcomes and measures.
  5. The plan for dissemination is realistic and appropriate.
  6. Overall, the project proposal is outstanding.

If you have questions regarding this award, send an email to

Submission Deadline: September 17


annual meeting

Hotel room block open | Abstract, award, PA proposal selections announced 11/1

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